For us, corporate social responsibility is part of the company’s operations, which strengthens the trust of our customers, partners and society in long-term cooperation. We are a manufacturer established as a model factory in 1967 and continue to gain experience in processes and staff.

We have set the main principle for modern management – to leave as little impact on the environment as possible. For us, this means minimizing the waste of non-renewable resources and gradually replacing them with renewables.

The activities performed in the company in the production processes, creation of the working environment, product safety, use of resources are designed so that every end consumer receives the product with the highest added value and is satisfied with their choice.

Because only by responsibly managing and looking back on more than 50 years of experience and countless decades to come, we can create an environment where employees will work continuously and birds will grow healthy.

That is why we have set several goals for the next 3 years, both in the wise use of resources and in the improvement of processes.

Water is the most abundant natural resource on the planet.
We work systematically to improve the plant’s energy efficiency.
We are finding innovative ways to keep resources in use for longer.
Animal welfare – highests standards-highest quality
Quality and food safety – our top priority.
Our strengths are our well-educated specialists and highly-qualified workers.
Our value of transparency helps us build trust with each other and with society.
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